New Logo

New Logo

Smith Mountain Lake Association Announces Awareness Initiative – Releases New Logo 

Smith Mountain Lake Association (SMLA) has launched an awareness initiative to help area homeowners better understand the mission and accomplishments of their organization. Key branding elements released today are the new Mission Statement and Logo. 

According to John Rupnik, President of SMLA, “we are an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that has been doing extraordinary things for the past 50 years to keep our lake clean and safe; however, very few lakefront homeowners know what we do and why we need their support. Subsequently, we have launched this awareness campaign that is anchored by our new mission statement and logo.”

SMLA works independently and with area business partners to support lake initiatives that include water quality monitoring, buffer gardening, save our streams, invasive species and recreational safety to name just a few. Its’ recently released Mission Statement is To protect the water of Smith Mountain Lake and promote safe recreation and its’ logo is found at the end of this page. Please visit the SMLA website for more information on the work that SMLA performs or how you can support their continued efforts at