SMLA Announces All-Volunteer Board for 2025
The Smith Mountain Lake Association will be led by a 22-member all-volunteer board in 2025. Board members are elected by the association membership for two-year terms.
SMLA officers are John Vidovich, president; Keri Green, vice president; Nancy Davenport, treasurer; and Rob Sanders, corporate secretary.
Newly to the board this year are Scott Bull, Amy Campbell, Tye Campbell, Mary Colligan, Nora Hedrick, Jeff Markiewicz, and David Moylan.
Returning board members and their area of responsibility are Roger Blakenship, Bedford Regional Water Authority and SMLA fish habitat; Bill Butterfield, past president; Doug Davidson, business partners; Tom Hardy, water quality monitoring; Pete Heyroth, Vessel Pump Out Program; Elijah Meador, Appalachian Power Company; Geoff Orth, Save Our Streams, Brian Key, Bedford Regional Water Authority; Jill Kurtz, communication; Lorie Smith, Franklin County Supervisor; and Vicky Wuerfel, education.